With uncertain times ahead and many wanting to limit the amount of times they visit supermarkets, now is the time to consider growing your own fruit and veg. What's this got to do with the CSCC or racing you might ask?
Well, as we're competitive types we'd like to build up a collection of photos between now and the end of the season to see who has grown the tastiest looking vegetables. There will be an actual end of season trophy for this!

You don't need to own a large garden or allotment, CSCC Director David Smitheram grew Carrots, various varieties of Lettuce and Sweet Peppers in a shallow, stone trough last year. This year he has upgraded to a Veg Trug, complete with old Corvette headlight covers as makeshift cloche's (is this technically cheating?)! Anyone with access to a window sill will be able to grow something, although runner beans or potatoes might be out of the question!

You can buy seeds mail order/online, just a few pounds will get you started. Ordinarily, octane boosters are not allowed, but we'll allow supplements on this occasion!
Post regular updates on our Facebook page and email your photos to info@classicsportscarclub.co.uk The winner will be voted on by your Committee, and remember, it's the tastiest looking not the largest.