Every race car runs a number, but it may need to change.
Please can all members read this, to make things smoother for everyone.
Whilst many are flexible/indifferent about the number on the car, some do get rather attached to 'their' number. If you are the latter, we do know and understand the importance of keeping a cherished number, not to mention saving the hassle of having to peel numbers off from one race to another. Hopefully after reading this article you will at least understand why a change is sometimes unavoidable, even when literally days are spent in the office trying to sort this out.
We always do our best to accommodate your number requests, however, with 1100+ members, 18 different CSCC categories, many entering more than one race (or club) and everyone being combined at some stage of the season (Spa), it is inevitable that we have continual number clashes.

With 200 drivers registered for Adams & Page Swinging 60's, 3 digit numbers are commonplace.
We allow members until 31st January to register and re-claim the number they used last season. After this date, numbers become available on a first-come first-served basis (even if you have had that number for 20 years!). If you are racing in more than one category, we will try to allocate the same number across the different categories.
Please check the event entry list carefully, when this is published the week before an event you have entered. Your number may have changed for one, or all, races at that event. If we have changed your number on the entry list, there will be a reason it has been changed.
When it does need to change, we will try to make it easy for you, for example altering no. 55 to 155, or 551.

Some cars have less room for 3 digits than others.
If another competitor has been allocated the number you preferred but they have not entered a particular race, please can we ask that you stick to the number you have been allocated. It takes the office time to have to check and make amendments to the entries and we would rather spend time looking after you in other ways.
In the past we have had cases where members insist they keep their number, which led (in the interests of customer service) to multiple conversations with other members to see if they would change theirs! We have even had more than one member offer money to another competitor to buy 'their' number!
The club sells black numbers, white backgrounds and fluorescent numbers at cost price, at race administration (card only please).
Motorsport UK allow numbers between 1 to 999 only (not 0 or 4 digits), with no duplicates allowed on track at the same time. They must all be regulation sized black, on a white background, on bonnet and doors, or, yellow on the windscreen and side windows. We're pointing this out to save you any potential delays at scrutineering, although in reality, the Marshals and timekeepers are often just happy they can read your numbers at all!
Be aware that if you have chosen to paint on a permanent number (contrary to MSUK regs.), a scrutineer may ask you to cover this up, particularly if your number changes. And that is not a reason we will let you run it.
The 2024 yearbook can be accessed online via the Motorsport UK website. Here is a direct link: https://motorsportuk.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Motorsport-UK-Yearbook-2024.pdf

Thank you for reading and hopefully understanding.