With Anglesey now a happy memory, our attention turns to our next big meeting, at Brands Hatch in just two weeks time, over the Queens Jubilee bank holiday. All eleven series are in action and whilst we have some great looking grids, we have space for more. You may still enter online, without an additional fee, up until Sunday 22nd May, so please don't delay. You may still enter after this of course, with a fee and a form.
Next week we will send you all a round up of our Anglesey Coastal Classics double header, with video, photos, results and a meeting report.
The original story was as follows:
You may now enter our ever-popular Brands Hatch Bonanza meeting, taking place on the Queen's bank holiday Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th June.
Every CSCC series is in action, plus a second, 30 minute pit-stop race for the Gold Arts Magnificent Sevens, split grids for the Adams & Page Swinging Sixties, and a 15 minute sprint race for the Verum Builders Open Series. Those in the JMC Racing Special Saloons & Modsports Series get to compete over both days, with their second race taking place early on the Saturday timetable.
Those in the Co-ordSport Tin Tops are racing on the Grand Prix layout in May, but now also have the opportunity to take part at this event, as guests on the Motorsports School Turbo Tin Tops grid. Co-ordSport Tin Tops drivers may enter in 7 days time.
With a compact, 34 car grid, places can and do sell out, so please enter at your earliest opportunity.