If you would like to keep your allocated 2024 race car number, you have until this weekend to secure it again. If you haven't yet registered your car for the same category for 2025, please do so now: https://www.classicsportscarclub.co.uk/join-the-cscc You can register online (card payment via Paypal portal) or by printing and scanning the pdf form (please email back, don't post).

Once we get into February, numbers not re-secured, are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
With 18 different categories, we hope you understand that there are occasions when we need to ask you to change your number for certain races, where they are combined. We actively encourage you to make the most of each CSCC event, by entering more than one race, but if someone already has your usual number in this other race, then we will come up with an easy alternative for you, to save changing numbers between sessions.