Our innovative, live-streamed event at Anglesey, on 1st/2nd of July, has certainly piqued your interest, offering club level drivers a real taste of endurance, without the running costs. This is not a conventional 24 hour race, but rather a cumulative series of races, taking place over 24 hours, priced at just £725.
Entries opened on Friday 12th May at 13:30, please see our event page, where you will also find a first draft timetable: https://www.classicsportscarclub.co.uk/2023-anglesey
Drivers will be given the opportunity to make either a £20 or £50 donation to our hardworking Marshals and volunteer Officials. The supplementary regulations best explain how the weekend will work, but we have updated some FAQ's below.
Marshals and Officials will work in shifts and are hugely valuable to all events, but this one especially, as more of you are needed. We will be offering an enhanced gesture to go towards your expenses and comfort, more on this next week. The variety and changes of cars throughout the event should provide plenty of interest, with the gaps between sessions a chance for a breather and to take in the view. Drivers, team members, friends and family are all welcome to get in touch, to help the CSCC at this event. Even an hour of assistance might help someone rest. If you would like to help, please email jo@classicsportscarclub.co.uk and we can chat about your options.
Competitors FAQ's. Updated 12th May 2023.
Q. What if my car can't last 24 Hours?
A. Fear not, it isn't a single, 24 Hour race. Instead, these are 160 minute races for each category, split into cumulative, 40 minute sessions, taking place over 24 hours of racing. It aims to give club drivers a taste of a 24 hour event, at a fraction of the cost or wear to their car. For those not familiar with the similar Le Mans Classic/Classic Daytona 24 format, the timetable may be the best explanation.
Q. You've said the event is live-streamed, but what about the darkness hours?
A. With the help of Alpha Live, it is our plan to bring you live streaming, with commentary, throughout all the racing hours. We'll let the film crew rest during qualifying and night familiarisation.
Q. How are prizes awarded? A. Awards are given for each class and series, based on the cumulative result of all 160 minutes of your race sessions (there are no awards for taking the flag first in any individual sessions). The final result won't be known until the flag drops at the end of your last session, so don't give up, reliability and consistency throughout the event is key. You must take the final chequered flag to be eligible for an award.
The prize-giving for each series will take place 30 minutes after each final session.
Q. What if I don't want to race at night? A. Whilst we think you should give it a try, you do have three options: 1. You enter the 24 hour event, but take part in the day sessions only, but it will put you at a 40 minute deficit in the overall, cumulative result (effectively you did not start/finish a session). If you choose not to race at night, you must tell us in advance, so we can notify the Secretary of the Meeting and Scrutineers that you will not have lights or need reflective numbers. 2. You could look for a second driver to share your car, asking them to drive at night. 3. Enter as a two car team, with the other car/driver racing in the dark. Your series Facebook group could be useful in finding a driver/car to pair up with.
Q. What lighting do I need, if I want to race at night? A. The pits and start/finish straight are well lit, the rest of the circuit is completely dark (the area is a dark sky reserve). MSUK have guidance on what is required for your car in E12. (page 98). Front and rear indicators and lights, plus illuminated side numbers are needed.
If you don't have this sort of wiring and switches in the car, fear not, it can be done on a budget. Ebay/Amazon and others have 'fog light wiring kits' for less than £10, that include wiring, fuse, switch and relay. A few of these could be utilised.
Next, you need some bright lights to see where you're going. Either two pairs of forward facing lights, or a pair, together with a lightbar is acceptable. Since the CSCC's first night races, at Donington in 2010, lightbar and LED technology has both improved and become cheaper. The CSCC will supply each car with reflective door and bonnet numbers. You need to have these side numbers illuminated, as per MSUK regulations. This can be by battery light, or powered from the car electrics (must be controlled by the cut-off of course). Some drivers have stuck lights on the door tops or wing mirrors in the past, but whatever your method, they must be safe and secure, to the satisfaction of a Scrutineer.
The additional lights may be removed, if desired, after the night races.
Q. Can I have four drivers? Can I have three cars in a team? A. No, whilst this event is officially classed by Motorsport UK as an endurance, it runs to our usual regulations of a single driver in a single car, two drivers in a single car, or a two car team (two drivers in two cars). Each 40 minute segment features a pit stop, to the usual rules for the series you have entered.
If you enter as a 2 driver, or 2 car team, you can split the driving (both drivers don't have to take part in every race session).
Q. Night familiarisation, what's that? A. To fulfil MSUK regulations, competitors must be given the opportunity to practice/drive in the same conditions they race in. Therefore, we have scheduled 4 x 30 minute, back-to-back sessions, once darkness falls. Each driver that intends to race at night needs to complete a minimum of 3 laps in a night familiarisation session of their choice. Lap times do not matter and will not count, so use this as a chance to try your lights, make any adjustments and get used to the circuit in the dark. These mixed, non-competitive sessions will be open to all entered drivers/cars on a first-come basis. We suspect the first 15 minutes may be busiest, but we will ensure that all drivers have the opportunity to go out in a session.
Q. Will there be fuel available at the circuit? Can I refuel during the race? A. 97 RON grade super unleaded will be available to buy at the circuit. Otherwise your nearest super unleaded can be found in Holyhead, or Bangor, about 15-20 minutes drive each way. Refuelling is not allowed during your session, but may be done between sessions.
Q. Is hot food and drink available? Do I get any included in my entry fee? A. The restaurant has kindly agreed to stay open for the full 24 hours. During less civilised hours the menu choice will be reduced, but you'll be able to sit, have a drink and enjoy hot food at all times. We've kept the entry fee very keen, at £725, so we hope you'll understand that this time it doesn't include any complimentary food or drink for drivers. We hope you will consider making a donation for the Marshals, at the time of entering, this will help towards the costs of food and drink for the Marshals, as well as a cash gesture towards their expenses.
Q. Does my pit crew need reflective clothing? A. Yes, a reflective bib or other reflective clothing is needed in darkness hours, by all personnel in the pit lane and assembly area. This includes second drivers, especially when they cross from the pit wall to where their car is going to stop. A second driver should only take off their reflective clothing moments before the driver change. Ideally they will pass this to the driver getting out of the car, who must wear reflective clothing before crossing the live lane to the pit wall. As per MSUK regulations, Pit crew, second driver and their equipment in the pit lane will be required to be kept well back/in the garages, to keep the live lanes empty and safe. More on this in final instructions and drivers briefing.
This segment from our event in 2021 gives you a taste of our night racing:
Q. Anything else? A. Testing on the Friday will be available, booked directly with the circuit. The circuit estate have a number of their nearby holiday cottages, see below. You can of course stay on site and it's a good idea to bring ear plugs.